
New Universal Sheet Piling Threader Introduced by Dawson

HAMMER STEEL DAWSON UNIFYING SHEET PILING THREADERThe original Dawson sheet piling threader has long been the only viable option for automatically threading sheet piling sections from the ground. The existing concept developed by Dawson has now been greatly improved with the introduction of the new universal sheet piling threader assembly.

The new universal threader assembly will adapt to most piling sections without the need for additional roller sets. Simple adjustment of the roller positions can be accomplished on-site to match your specific sheet piling section.

Job productivity and safety are greatly enhanced by the setting of sheet pile sections, even in windy conditions, without the use of a "top man." Hammer & Steel, Inc. will offer the new Dawson universal sheet piling threader assemblies for rental and sale applications. hammer steel universal sheet piling threader

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